
Showing posts from November, 2010

Since August

Wow, it's been a few months. I've attempted to write a couple times, but just either didn't have the time or didn't know what to say. Since August, much has changed, including the birth of my first grandchild. Brayden Maddox came into the world Sept 24. He is healthy and all are doing well. Since August, Brittani, Andy & Brayden all moved in. Cozy & crowded, but I like it :) Since August, my husband has been sticking around the house more, watching movies with us. Since August, my mom was in and out of the hospital again. Since August, my niece Ashley came out to visit and my nephew Thomas announced that he and his wife are expecting a baby. Since August, we had a great time on Thanksgiving with too much food, surrounded by family. Since August, someone got ahold of our debit card number and charged over 150 dollars worth of gas. Since August, the head gasket on my explorer died... Hmm, right up to those last 2 (and my mom being in the hospital) it...