
Showing posts from February, 2019

We Sang a Song Today

Today we sang a song that was written out of a time of prayer over a young boy who ended up being healed. I found myself thinking that some people could be questioning why their storm hasn't changed. Some may be questioning their faith, that it must not be strong enough since healing hasn't come, or the storm hasn't passed. Because see, even though we speak of break through, even though some people are healed, even though some relationships are restored, healing doesn't always come the way we want; break through doesn't always happen they way we asked. Relationships aren't always fixed. Finances don't always improve. BUT, it is important to understand that NO MATTER WHAT, we sing praises to God because He is still good and He is still God. AND WHEN we choose to trust Him in the middle of the storm, we find joy, strength, a peace that surpasses all understanding, an unexplainable ability to keep moving forward, to keep singing praise, to keep trusting, to lov...