
Showing posts from October, 2020

Would You Still Like Me?

  Would you still like me if... I told you i support Trump? If I told you I support Biden? If I told you I stand behind BLM? If I told you I didn't? If I said I was gay? If I said I stand with the LGBTQ community? If I told you I didn't? Would you still like me if... I said I am pro-choice? Or if I said I was pro-life? If I said I am a Christian? Or if I said I am an atheist? Or Buddhist?  Would you still like me if...  You found out I was a bully? Or addicted to drugs? If I was extremely overweight, or underweight? If I said college is overrated? If I told you I had an affair?  Would you still like me if...  I believed in building the wall? Or believed the wall should never be built because people should be allowed to come to America the beautiful? Or if I said marriage should only be allowed between a man and a women? If I said marriage is for everyone? What if I told you I think we should stop welfare? Or that I've lived off it for the last 20+ years? Would y...