Sleep, or lack there of

Why is it some nights sleep comes without an issue and sleep lasts until the lovely alarm wakes you? and why is it some nights it doesn't quite work that way?

last night was one of those nights that didn't work. Even when i went to bed, although i was tired, i couldn't get right to sleep... But, figure i was out by 11pm, 1:30 rolls around...i remember because i was awake. not sure why, just woke up. but i woke up with a feeling to get up. honestly, i usually do anyway. you know, go to the bathroom and just peek in on the kids. so i lay back down, but can't fall asleep. it's not that i wasn't tired. so i move to the couch. 2:30 slowly rolls around...i think a bit, nothing too much, but i think. i started thinking about people in my past, not in a bad way, just people who have come in and out of my life. then, i start to fall asleep. i believe i saw the clock say 3ish...and you know what? i wake up to our fire alarm! talk about waking back up! of course i jump up to see what it went off for, but as i get up to investigate, it stops. ok, this is not like the kind of chirp that happens when the battery is low, this is a full on alarm. i smell all over the entire house (fortunately that's only 965 square feet, lol) and outside. i smell the wall heater (that is turned off, never on). nothing. GRATEFUL i don't smell smoke and that the alarm is not going off, but now, wide awake again (something about the adrenaline of panic? lol). so, needless to say, cannot get back to sleep again.....4 o'clock... i'm thinking great, i have to be up at 5... sleep finally came, just in time for the real alarm to go off, you know, the one i set on purpose to tell me to get up, time to get hubby up for work... and so now, i'm here, at the computer, typing about is 5:39. i could go back to sleep, but find myself thinking no, i want to type about this (i think a lot!! LOL).

and just a side note, the typos? well, my keyboard is missing the g key and the t key and one shift key. it takes too much effort to make sure everything is right...

ok, but seriously... while i was awake after the smoke alarm, i realized that previous sleepless nights i told myself i would ask God if there is a reason i am awake, or at least that i would pray. so i began to pray. i prayed specifically for people who have lost loved ones - a friend of mine just lost his wife and just about a month ago, another friend of mine lost her husband. anyway, just praying. people say "why not take something to help you sleep?" i've decided i would much rather be awake to pray then to sleep right through something God has for me...not sure if that was the reason i was awake, but i would rather learn it was then find out i missed an opportunity...

another note, had the strangest dream after falling asleep after praying...couldn't even begin to explain it here...

oh well, i'll just take a nap later.


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