I learned something interesting about the gift God gave us this time of the year. Sending His Son to fulfill prophecy was enough, but He didn’t stop there. Sending His Son so that we could find forgiveness was enough, but He didn’t stop there. Putting all of our sin on His Son so that He would nail it to the cross was definitely enough, but He didn’t stop there. God came to the place of being human for another thing, so that we would never be alone, so that we could be who God created us to be, so that we would always have someone to go to, so that WE would have someone there through the calm and through the storm, so that we would not walk in fear or doubt, and He didn’t stop there either. God is not finished with His reasons for coming. He won’t stop either, not until it is completely finished in each one of us. EACH. That’s all of us. He wants to complete each and every one of us. And, He has given us all we need to be all He created us to be. He continues to work in us until we go home to Him. His work is not finished in us until that moment, the moment we are made complete. When is that? The moment we are finished here on earth, then we are made complete. It is a gift we do not have to repay, in fact, it is a gift we cannot repay. It is a gift with no strings attached. It is a free gift that only asks one thing of us – but it will cost us everything. That’s the glory of it though, although it will cost me everything, although it will cost you everything, it will set us free. This gift will do more for us in 1 day then all the gifts from a friend or loved one will give us in a lifetime. It doesn’t make sense. It goes against everything we know, everything we understand. That’s what makes it so great, this gift from God will do far more then we could ever imagine. WILL DO. This gift goes beyond the day we open it. This gift is life changing, don’t forget about it. Get the gift. It is yours for the taking. It is available to all who ask. It is the best gift you will ever open, trust me, or wait, trust Him. Open it. Receive the gift God offers you today. Don’t wait. Let the perfect gift come into your life and change you forever.

Merry Christmas!


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