perfection, rules, choices

I don’t mean to make it about perfection; I don’t mean to make you think you can’t make mistakes, or worse, that you better not.  It is not my intention to make you feel guilty or make you feel that you aren’t good enough.  I’m sorry for all the times I have.  I tell you how to live, give advise on what you should and shouldn’t do and try to help you understand what it means to be a Christian, because I want what is best for you. But, as I look back, I realize that my looks and my words can make you believe that you have screwed up; or that my look says “you better not…”  I even put a sign up that says “make God choices today,” which isn’t a bad thing, but what does that do to you as you walk out and then, maybe make some not-so-God choices.

You aren’t perfect, neither am I. You won’t ever be perfect, neither will I.  I love you no matter what choices you make, no matter what mistakes you make, no matter what you do.  That is where my words come from, my love for you, because I want you to make choices that will draw you closer to Christ; because I want you to walk in the blessings God has for you.  But I also know that trials WILL come SO THAT your faith and trust will be made stronger, and proven real.  Which I also want, you to find your own relationship with Christ, because it’s not me that gets you to heaven.  And it’s not your “good deeds” that do either.  And that is GREAT news!  NOTHING you do or will do or have done will make God love you any more or any less! NOTHING!!  It's not about the "good" or "bad" you do or did.  It’s all about what Jesus did for you.

So, I pray that you will love Jesus with all that you are and truly trust in Him, that He will be your answer.  And as you (hopefully) read what is below, you will realize that in my passionate talks or my crazy "square" ideas, or my corny, old-fashioned choices you will see Jesus, and not a critical or judgmental person who thinks you better not make mistakes, because this truly is why I do and say what I do and say...

Taken from the “Pearls and Grace” blog

The hearts of women who want to be known for following Jesus.
  • She will truly have His heart and His eyes to see sons and daughters when she looks at His people.
  • She will be a doer of the word and not a hearer only.
  • She will refuse to judge and condemn and do her best to love people back to wholeness.
  • She will be a fountain of mercy and grace and one who will breathe life back into dry bones.
  • She will know that it is the love of God that breaks every yoke.
  • She will be a living epistle of love and humility and will demonstrate the scriptures with kindness and gentleness and compassion.
  • She will give credit where credit is due.
  • She will point others to Him. She will give Him all the glory. All of the honor. All of the credit.
  • She will understand fully- the truth that is this. If it were not for the grace of God- there go I.
  • She will reach to the back row and encourage and minister to the hearts of the women who can't get past the grief and sorrow of their own life.
  • She will look past circumstances and situations and appearances that look different than her own to see daughters of the living God who have yet to discover their worth.
  • The new church lady is looking for opportunities to be a blessing- instead of looking for her own opportunities.
  • The new church lady knows that the only way up is down. She knows that "humility isn't thinking less of yourself but it is thinking of yourself less."
  • Graciousness is her hallmark.
  • Gratitude is her beauty treatment.
  • She is a woman of her word.
  • She is a worshipper. In spirit and in truth.
  • She is a prayer warrior and holds trust from others as sacred.
  • She is supportive of others and is not an opportunist.
  • She understands that to become the Proverbs 31 woman- you can't skip chapters 1-30 – (my input - or for that matter, Genesis through Revelation).
  • She is fully aware of her own shortcomings and seeks Him daily for His love and guidance.
  • She recognizes hopelessness and worthlessness in others and speaks life.
  • She is an excellent listener. She listens with her head and her heart. She hears what is not being said.
  • She is a lifter. An encourager. A hope giver.
  • She forgives- fully.
  • She knows that the same grace that was made available to her- is also available to everyone else.
  • She does not gossip. She does not constantly brag or boast. She speaks blessing.
  • She sees the best. Believes the best. Hopes the best.
  • She places a high value on God's people.
  • She invests in the greatest investment in the world - His people.
  • She is known for what she stands for.

“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy, good fruit, impartial and sincere.  ~ James 3:17”


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