To the LGTBQ+ community, I'm sorry.

To the LGTBQ+ community, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the pain you have endured just because you are you. I'm sorry for the hurtful words people have said about you, just because you are you. I'm sorry for the physical pain, even death, caused by people, just because you are you. I'm sorry for the words spoken by Christian's who tell you you are wrong and need to repent, just because you are you. I wish I understood why people respond to you the way they do, just for being you. I wish I understood why people are afraid of you, why they are so against you, why they speak such horrible things, why they feel the need to "correct" you & "fix" you, and why so many of them dare to use the Bible to point out how wrong you are---all because you are just being you. I wish people could see how kind, generous, compassionate, and loving you are. 

#lgbtq+ #pride #love #loveoverhate


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