Dont laugh

OK, for the most part, I am rather "blog illiterate." Meaning I really don't know how to make all the creative things, add pictures, add badges, etc. I pretty much just do basic stuff, until today. I just learned how to add a badge! I know, pretty exciting stuff. :) but, it is pretty cool to learn things. And, this one? Well, it's a site where if you agree to review a book, they will send you one for free. Yep, that's it. Sign up and agree to do book reviews on your blog site and they will send you a book to read & review. Missed the one I actually signed up for, but I bought it from another site :). I enjoy reading and am really looking forward to writing reviews of the books I have read. It also gives me another reason to blog.

That said, today my oldest daughter will be going to her 1st doctor appointment for her baby. I get to tag along :) It is still crazy to think I have a son-in-law and that I will be a grandma. I have been enjoying their company as they have been over for dinner several times since getting married (which is OK by me!). My youngest enjoys it too and is already asking when they are coming over today.

On another side note, I am looking to figure out a way to tell my story. Why? because everyone has a story to tell and I believe everyone has a story to hear. And, because I never tell anyone anything unless it's obvious, although even then I don't give all the details. I don't think I need to "air my laundry" and I believe some things are meant to be shared between only a few. I just really think if we were all more willing to be honest (not to a hurtful way), we would all be better off, after all, we learn from each other.

OK, i'm off...


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