But that's just my opinion

I have an opinion about a lot of things, just like anyone else. I have an opinion about life, death, Jesus, my home, math, love, politics, immunizations, abortion, parenting, love, TV, tattoos, hairstyles, people, third-world countries, the homeless, facebook...you get the point. Over the years my opinion has changed as i learn more, some have completely changed, others maybe only a little. And i have learned that if you really want to know how i feel about the above, and so much more, you should come over to my house or invite me to yours, or hey, we can even meet for coffee or tea. Because to really know how i feel (or anyone else for that matter) cannot be expressed nor understood through ANY form of social media let alone commenting on someone else’s opinion. 

One more thing, if we all put this into practice, maybe we would understand how human we all are, how kind we all can be, and stop debating over every.tiny.detail. But thats just my opinion...


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