Choose joy? OK, sure...

I tell everyone this in one way or another, mainly by focusing on what is good in the midst of trial and by keeping a journal of things that are good. And i tell them why, because if you always focus on what is wrong, eventually this will be the filter you use for life. The opposite is more powerful-- Focusing on what is good allows you to see more good, it becomes your filter, which allows you to see even more good. And you can never see too much good. Most of my life i have chosen to see good--from rescuing ladybugs to the beauty of the night sky. It is through this filter that i am able to focus more on the good than ever before.

Being one who cries at everything, it is critical that i choose joy, every day. But...there are still days that challenge that. Days when things get overwhelming and its difficult to see what is good. Especially if there are lots of emotions going on or im not feeling well. It becomes easy to focus on what is wrong instead of what is right. And if im not careful, i can easily move from being frustrated to complaining and venting, wishing things were different, wondering if things will ever change for the better. There is a fine line between expressing frustration to a friend and complaining. Its a dangerous line, and if im not careful, it becomes more complaining than it should. Why is it dangerous? Well, the more complaining, the more focusing on things that are wrong. The more focusing on things that are wrong, the more anger and bitterness settle in. It doesn't help anyone, and in fact, it makes things worse. A friend shared a devotional that has been my focus these past couple days. A comment from it says complaining doesnt help me, it actually hurts me. I know this.  But its a great reminder. The devotion also said that being kind changes our heart. This i also know to be true, and is another great reminder.

Choosing joy despite the circumstances isn't easy. Truth is, i cannot do it without God. He is my source of joy. There are days that are more challenging than others. There are situations that test everything in me and i focus too much on what is wrong. Its easy to do. But i have also learned the more i choose joy, the stronger my joy filter gets, which allows me to see what is good. I still have to choose it though, despite what others say, despite the frustrating situation, despite how i feel. And when i do, things are always better, maybe not instantly, but always at some point. 

So, choose joy? yes, choose joy, every day.

--I went to post this earlier, but things delayed that. And then a friend text me something, and well, I need to add it...  "God has picked you to be on His team, and even though you know your team has already won, you are a starter and still have to endure the grind of the game." If you don't understand football, or sports, there are games where you know your team will win, the lead is too great. But it doesn't matter when you are a starting player, you play anyway.  Along with choosing joy, I also choose not to quit...


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