The Power of Words

Most of us have grown up hearing the ever famous saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." And sadly, most of us are made fun of if we dare say how wrong this saying is. Well, make fun of me all you want, WORDS CAN HURT!

There are all kinds of things that play a part in how words affect us. Think about this simple test: ever have someone tell you what a great job you did or how great your picture is? You felt something as soon as the words were spoken. So how can we think the opposite isn't true? Here's your other test: ever have someone say something negative to you? Add to that ANYTHING going on in your life and those negative words can "feed" your emotions in the wrong way. Last test: ever have someone insult you? I don't just mean calling you dummy, but really really really insult you: ugly, stupid, worthless, disgusting, looser, queer...and this doesn't even include all the words I choose not to type. Let's face it, you've heard them. And really, all you need to do for starters is add the f-word or a racial slur before any of these and it makes that word that much harsher. I have to ask, WHY do we feel the need to throw out insults like they are nothing?

We live in a time where many people no longer care what they say - it's all about "free speech." Yet, people fail to realize free speech doesn't mean I'm "free to say whatever I want." I wrote this several years ago and it's worth posting here:  

"Freedom of speech is the right to express opinions freely without interference.

interference: something that interferes.
interferes: To be or create a hindrance or obstacle
hindrance: to cause delay, interruption, or difficulty in

What freedom is there in speaking freely if what i freely speak brings death? hurt? judgment? hate? rudeness? disrespect? Won't that provoke the other person to "freely" speak back? 

True freedom is that which brings forth life, more freedom, liberty, truth, order, edification. Freedom cannot exist along side death and hate."

We need to figure this out. We need to be mindful of the words that come out of our mouths (yes, even the words we post). Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean it should be spoken or posted, or for that matter, COMMENTED ON. Words have the power of life and death. We need to pause and check and see if the words we are about to speak are worth it. 

Go ahead, tell me I'm silly for saying this. Comment that I live in a fairy tale world. Speak about how naive I am. Just know this--I hope you are never on the receiving end of words so hurtful that you are crushed by them. I hope you are able to read this and choose to speak words that bring life.


Angela V said…

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