It's been awhile since I posted, I mean, I've written notes down but no blog post. Haven't really been sure what to write. I often think about what's gone on over the last year--finally sold my moms home, I have two new grandkids, my youngest and her husband moved back in, the church I attend moved out of our building and became a mobile church, my brother ended up getting a heart transplant (that's a whole story on its own!), I went to Texas to visit, Brittani got married, lost way too much in stock (couldn't touch it because of probate), my cat died, bandaids still don't work for my kids, celebrated baby showers, hmm, anything else?
Some of these things have brought new challenges, some things were challenging, and other things are still happening. It's life. It doesn't pause. It just keeps going, as it should. Can you imagine if life did pause??
There's a point to all this... some days have been rough. I'm not one to open up, I only let out bits and pieces. I know I'm not the only one. All of us have good days and bad days. But, when I was driving the other day, I kept staring at the sky. So I pulled over and took these pics (below). And all I could think of was how we need to slow down, look at the beauty around us. Life won't stop for us. Sometimes it pulls us away from things. We live in a "go go go" mentality. But maybe, on occasion, take more time to get where you are going, look around, see the good, watch the clouds, look at the fields, listen to the birds, watch the sunset.