This is in response to a conversation I read on FaceBook between people I know and love.
They’re just words, right ? Freedom of speech! I should be able to say what ever I want whenever I want, right? Well, it depends. From here forward, I write this to those who call themselves Christians. Why? Not to single anyone out because what I am writing is good for everyone. But, those who do not profess to be Christians aren’t held to what I am about to say. They are just words, words that when you look them up in the dictionary mean pretty much not bad things. For example, the “sh” word as it is commonly referred to really does mean poop. And, in some countries, its what they say; it’s not considered cussing. The f-word, well, it means intercourse. So, they really are just words. Lets also take into consideration that even if my words aren’t “cuss” words it doesn’t make it OK to just say whatever, like calling someone names or insulting ones intelligence. The Bible is very clear as to how our speech should be. Proverbs alone is filled wit...