Made for more
What if God had a specific plan for your life that would bring blessings beyond your wildest imagination? A plan that would fulfill the yearning you feel inside? But you avoid it, either because you never ask or because you choose not to believe. You think "God is not real, after all, if He was...(fill in the things that challenge your belief)." You never ask Him what He wants for your life because you are afraid He will tell you to sell everything you have, or move to Africa, or quit your 6 figure income job. Whether you believe it or not, we were all created for a purpose and in each and everyone of us lies a longing for something amazing. In each one of us is an ability, a talent, a gift. Maybe you say you are happy, even doing what you want to do. I ask, what if there's more? I ask, "do you stand at the edge of yikes?" Where you're willing to go beyond the border of comfort? What if we have all been missing out on absolute fulfillment of every pas...