The Power of Words
Most of us have grown up hearing the ever famous saying, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." And sadly, most of us are made fun of if we dare say how wrong this saying is. Well, make fun of me all you want, WORDS CAN HURT! There are all kinds of things that play a part in how words affect us. Think about this simple test: ever have someone tell you what a great job you did or how great your picture is? You felt something as soon as the words were spoken. So how can we think the opposite isn't true? Here's your other test: ever have someone say something negative to you? Add to that ANYTHING going on in your life and those negative words can "feed" your emotions in the wrong way. Last test: ever have someone insult you? I don't just mean calling you dummy, but really really really insult you: ugly, stupid, worthless, disgusting, looser, queer...and this doesn't even include all the words I choose not to type. Let...