
Showing posts from 2020

Would You Still Like Me?

  Would you still like me if... I told you i support Trump? If I told you I support Biden? If I told you I stand behind BLM? If I told you I didn't? If I said I was gay? If I said I stand with the LGBTQ community? If I told you I didn't? Would you still like me if... I said I am pro-choice? Or if I said I was pro-life? If I said I am a Christian? Or if I said I am an atheist? Or Buddhist?  Would you still like me if...  You found out I was a bully? Or addicted to drugs? If I was extremely overweight, or underweight? If I said college is overrated? If I told you I had an affair?  Would you still like me if...  I believed in building the wall? Or believed the wall should never be built because people should be allowed to come to America the beautiful? Or if I said marriage should only be allowed between a man and a women? If I said marriage is for everyone? What if I told you I think we should stop welfare? Or that I've lived off it for the last 20+ years? Would y...

Moving Forward, NOT returning to normal

What's next? Will we all just go back to the way we did things before, back to normal? How can we, really. We have changed pretty much everything. And is "normal" even possible? Better yet, what IS normal?  Does this even sound worth going back to: The busy life? The fast pace? The disconnect? The longing for more time? No, no it doesn't sound worth it.  I hear so many people talking about getting back to normal. I get it, it's something we say. But, I looked up the definition to normal - conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.  Then I looked up standard - general consent as a model or example. And then, conform - be similar in form or type; agree. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be normal in the first place! We weren't created to be normal! Didn't Dr. Seuss say "why be normal when you were born to stand out?" We can't afford to go back to normal. We've been given an opportunity to be better, all of us...