
Showing posts from January, 2021

It was never supposed to be us vs them

In my 53 years, I have not seen a time bring so much division-brother against brother, family against family, neighbor against neighbor. This is NOT how we are supposed to act toward one another. And why do we think bashing the political party we don't associate with is ok?? Or even worse, wishing bad on them and their families? Are you really telling me all your friends believe the same exact way you do? It saddens me the way people react when their party doesn't win or things don't go their way. How are republicans any better than democrats? How are democrats any better than republicans? Why is it ok for you to decide who gets to get married? Since when does everyone have to believe the same way? Why is it if I disagree with you or think a certain way, I'm "one of them"?  We were not created the same. We look different, act different, think different. BUT, there was a time we actually worked together! We stood for unity. We helped one another, agreed to disa...