
Showing posts from 2013

My Christmas Letter

I used to send Christmas cards out every year.  Eventually I even added a letter.  Over time though, I stopped.  Things just happened, I’d forget stamps, one year I even forgot to mail them!  I miss sending them, but the time just seems to get away from me as the years go on.  The newspaper today said I’m not the only one who doesn’t send cards.  And the card industry has sold fewer cards than ever!  I also miss going to the mailbox to see who I would get a card from. So here’s my Christmas letter, “e” style, or in my case, blog style.  I’ll make it short, even though it’s been over 10 years since I have written one… Bill and I are still married, 24 & 1/2 years now!  We still live in the same house we moved to when we left Pleasant Hill.  He works for the county of Sacramento, has been just over 7 years.  We are grandparents!  We have a 3 year old grandson named Brayden and an almost 1 month old granddaughter named ...

New book coming out October 1st!

In less than 2 weeks, on October 1, a book is going to be released called Let Hope In by Pete Wilson.  I have the opportunity to read this book now and give a review.  But, before I do that, one thought from the book continues to stand out - Hope changes everything.  It does.  The dictionary defines hope as (1.) the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best. Or, (2.) to look believe, desire or trust.  We put our hope in a lot of things, and when we do, it gives us something to look forward to.  Hope is a good thing. This book, in my opinion, shares a real hope, a hope that will never fail us, a hope that really does change everything. I encourage everyone to get their hands on this book.  You can  watch the book trailer  at and  even pre-order it . I will post my review of the book later, but for now #LetHopeIn

Sticks and Stones

        Y ou know that old saying "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.?"  Well, it's a lie.  I mean seriously, being called mean things hurts.  And sometimes people believe what they hear about them - slut, worthless, stupid, fatty fatty 2x4, queer, you'll never be anything.  These words and many others can cause us to loose our true identity.  We begin to believe them about ourselves, about others.  Sad but true, "what we think about ourselves is how we live."  If we don't discover our true identity, nothing will change.         We have GOT to realize who we truly are!  If we don't, we are leaving ourselves devourable.         I am ________________.  I KNOW this BECAUSE my Papa tells me so!  It is not about arrogance.  It is about God saying who we are and us, as believers, walking in greater confidence and BELIEVING it!  It is HE...

Looking for answers

T hroughout life we look for answers.  Anywhere from what is 2+2 to what will I do when I graduate to who will I marry and THOUSANDS of others.  It's a longing inside of us to know, to learn, to seek.  A desire that longs to be satisfied.  Often we will do whatever it takes to quench that desire.  We will do things, buy things, go places.  And for a moment, we will feel satisfied.  This feeling may even last awhile.  Over time, however, the emptiness returns.  So, we do or buy something else.  It could be anything-food, books, alcohol, drugs, sex, hobbies, movies, chocolate, clothes, marriage, tools, cars, traveling.  We even turn to cooking or baking, cleaning & organizing, serving others, even exercising.  They all seem harmless, yet when it comes down to it, none of this is keeping that inner desire satisfied.  We keep trying new things or more of what we already do.  We even become oblivious to what we are do...

And just stuff...

New prayer request, just stuff.  What will people think when they read that?  Will anyone ask?  Lost connection, weary, ready for better things, ready

Let your light shine!

The ONLY reason light doesn’t shine in darkness is because the light was turned off. “I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” ‘When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."’  “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”  “God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.”   LIVE AS THE LIGHT!  It is IMPOSSIBLE for it to be dark if your light is on!